Friday, November 6, 2015

Presentation reflection

I feel that my presentation on the 5th of November was good but not perfect. I was brimming with confidence during my presentation, and I also enjoyed being the center of attention. However, there were a few critical mistakes which I made.

Firstly, I could have stood at a different spot where I would be facing the audience without turning my head too often. This is the first step to a good presentation, standing at the correct spot! I also feel that because of my bad position, Diyannah and Nurul could not hear me clearly.

Secondly, the most important mistake is the lack of selling the idea. I feel that my team and I could have prepared a richer content for the audience. I initially assumed that we were selling the idea, but I was naive to think so.

Thirdly, I did not provide enough eye contact towards my audience. As mentioned by two of my friends, I only glanced and did not focus on individuals from time to time. By using this style of presentation, I could have a more persuasive persona.

Lastly, as a group, we could have answered the audience immediately even if we did not know how to answer. What we could have said was 'We will get back to you on this.'. I felt like a sitting duck when we could not provide a proper reply towards the audience.

As the presentation content is similar to the technical report, I have to put in more effort in constructing a report that will entice the reader to read on and consider our solutions. A major content change would be needed to refine the technical report.

Looking at my comments from my classmates, I have a long way to go to achieve perfection. I have so many regrets, but I will learn from my mistakes and move on. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who helped my team reflect and grow by providing construction criticism.
